Finnish e-scooter firm Voi sees declining misuse reports, but warns against reckless behavior
Voi, one of Finland’s largest electric scooter companies, receives weekly notifications of misuse related to its scooters. Anyone can report an observed violation through a function on Voi’s website. This year, about ten reports are received per week, mostly about improperly parked scooters, according to Hannu Oskala, responsible for community relations at Voi.
However, the number of reports has decreased. In previous years, there were 3 to 4 times more. Oskala speculates that either people are not aware of the reporting possibility or the number of disturbances has decreased.
Reckless behavior, such as burning rubber on the scooters, can lead to a ban. There have been instances in the past where people irresponsibly drove in city centers. A few summers ago, there was a fad of burning rubber from the scooters. Oskala hopes that people do not misuse scooters in sports venues and places where electric scooters do not belong.
Access can also be denied based on videos posted on social media if the scooter in the video can be identified as belonging to Voi and connected to the user.
Similarly, the electric scooter company Tier gives warnings and imposes bans if necessary. “These come regularly, but not in large numbers,” says country manager Elina Bürkland. For example, during the international major markets in Turku, someone intentionally drove a scooter in a crowd, leading to a ban.
However, Bürkland questions the practice of imposing bans solely based on social media videos, stating that it is the police’s job to investigate such matters, although they would assist the police if necessary.
The police also intervene in violations made by electric scooter users. For example, one can receive a 40 euro fine for riding a scooter with two people. The most common offenses are riding on the sidewalk and riding two on a scooter, according to Katri Tammio, a communication expert from the Southwest Finland police.
In June, accidents leading to the death of electric scooter riders occurred in Vantaa’s Myyrmäki and Helsinki’s Kaivopuisto. Tammio stated that the police have not increased surveillance on scooters due to these accidents.
Turku’s scooter patrol, Olga Rönkä, Joonas Silpola, and Vilma Wahlbeck, gave advice on safe travel in the summer of 2023.