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Sweden considers acquiring sea mines alongside several NATO countries

Tuesday 9th 2024 on 19:08 in  

Sweden is contemplating the purchase and storage of sea mines in collaboration with eight other NATO countries. This decision comes to light following Defense Minister Pål Jonsson (M)’s endorsement of a memorandum of understanding at the NATO meeting in Washington.

Defense Minister Pål Jonson (M) stated that the memorandum of understanding paves the way for “future joint development of mines.”

The driving force behind this initiative is German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. In an interview with Reuters, he emphasized the necessity of mines to prevent Russian expansion in the Baltic Sea.

“We have recently witnessed Russia’s attempts to extend its territorial waters off Kaliningrad. We are all clear that we will not allow it,” he asserted.

In May, Estonia accused Russian border guards of removing navigation buoys from the Estonian side of the Narva River, which separates the two countries.

The other eight NATO countries interested in procuring sea mines are Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Germany.

During the meeting, the German Defense Minister highlighted the various advantages of joint procurement, including reduced costs and shared maintenance.