Trustee evaluates offers for skagann 3x bankruptcy estate as local authorities seek to preserve jobs in Akraneskaupstaður
Twelve minutes ago, news emerged from Akraneskaupstaður concerning the ongoing situation with Skagann 3X’s bankruptcy estate. Helgi Jóhannesson, the appointed trustee, revealed that they are currently evaluating three offers related to the assets. One of the proposals encompasses all the assets of the bankruptcy estate, contingent upon certain other unspecified factors. The remaining two offers pertain to specific liquid assets available within the estate.
On July 4th, the company’s management requested that bankruptcy proceedings be initiated, resulting in the loss of jobs for 128 employees. Since then, efforts have been focused on selling the company’s assets. Local authorities have emphasized the importance of preserving operations in Akranesi, expressing their readiness to support initiatives aimed at maintaining the business in the area.