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Finnish authorities test formates as environmentally friendly alternative to road salts in Luumäki

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 14:13 in  

The Finnish transport authorities are conducting tests on formates as alternatives to traditional road salts for winter maintenance. Formates, which are derived from the salts of formic acid, offer a comparable solution for melting snow and ice, enhancing road safety in icy conditions.

This experimental implementation is taking place on approximately six kilometers of highway six in Luumäki, as well as along road 26 between Taavetti and Hamina. These sections are critical for heavy traffic en route to the Hamina-Kotka port. Notably, similar studies have not been conducted globally in winter conditions near major highways, according to local authorities.

Luumäki sits in a vital groundwater area, and one of the major advantages of using formates is their reduced environmental impact compared to traditional salts like calcium and sodium chloride, which can contaminate groundwater. Formates decompose in the soil and do not accumulate in nature. They are already in use in several groundwater regions, helping to maintain pedestrian and bicycle paths.

The ongoing research aims to determine the effective quantities of formate required under varying cold and snowy conditions to ensure they are sufficient to keep road surfaces clear of ice.

While formates are initially more expensive than conventional road salts, they may prove cost-effective in the long run by mitigating the damage caused by traditional salting methods. High chloride levels from road salts can corrode plumbing and household appliances, adding to maintenance costs.

If the trial results are favorable, using formate-based solutions could be expanded to other sensitive groundwater areas, potentially enhancing road safety while protecting the environment.

(via yle.fi)