Investigation launched into surge of insecurity in taxi services across Sweden
An investigation is underway to understand the rise in feelings of insecurity within taxi services in major cities. Reports highlight a range of issues, including scams, accidents, and alarming reports of sexual misconduct, harassment, and even assault. Since the 2018 taxi reform, incidents of suspected sexual crimes have notably increased, particularly in the capital region. Statistics from the local police indicate that the number of criminal complaints rises year after year, although a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon across the country is still lacking.
In response, investigative teams are gathering information concerning sexual harassment in taxis and are inviting individuals to share their experiences. Respondents are asked to provide details about their situations, including the timing and location of the harassment.
They can indicate whether any formal complaints were made, including whether the matter resulted in legal proceedings, punishment, or was not reported at all. Participants are also asked for their names and email addresses, ensuring that all information will be used confidentially and not published alongside their responses. Only contributions where the reporter’s identity is known will be released.
Additionally, individuals are invited to consider participating in an interview to further discuss their experiences. For those concerned about privacy, information regarding how personal data is collected and utilized is outlined in the organization’s privacy policy.