Former Icelandic MP in Ukraine criticizes West’s delay in military aid delivery
Karl Garðarsson, a former member of the Icelandic Parliament currently residing in Kyiv, Ukraine, claims that the West’s delay in supplying the Ukrainian military with weapons has cost thousands of lives. He suggests that the Ukrainian people are growing weary of the Western political leaders’ procrastination.
Garðarsson, who is based in Kyiv, says he is always on guard when air-raid sirens are activated. However, he notes that the locals have become accustomed to them. Following 800 days of bombardment, the Ukrainians are beginning to adapt.
Garðarsson highlights that significant energy shortages are starting to occur, with electricity in the capital only available for a few hours each day. He emphasizes that Ukrainians are not requesting foreign troops to be sent to Ukraine, but rather weapons. He expresses their frustration at the length of time it takes for this to happen, saying, “…they are very tired of how long this takes. Naturally, this has meant that they have lost tens of thousands of men on the battlefield while western politicians are deciding what to do.”
In addition, Ukrainians want authorization to shoot further into Russia. They are not satisfied with only being able to shoot just over the border. Garðarsson explains, “Because then the Russians just move their back-up positions and their transport of military equipment and devices further back and deeper into Russia. And they must be able to stop this.”