Family raises goose hatched in oven on farm in Rana, Norway
Squeaky, a grey goose, hatched in an unconventional setting — a family’s oven after they discovered a goose egg during a trip to Helgelandsøya Sleneset. The family’s attempt to raise the goose became necessary as housing Squeaky in their city home proved challenging. Currently, Squeaky resides on Lene Rasmussen’s farm in Rana, alongside sheep, horses, and dogs.
Rasmussen, a veterinarian, emphasizes the illegality and ethical concerns of taking eggs from wild birds for hatching. She notes that a goose raised by humans can struggle to bond with other geese, complicating its integration into the wild. Unlike migratory geese that have moved south for the winter, Squeaky will spend the cold season in Norway.
The story began in May when the family’s youngest member wanted to taste goose eggs. After realizing that it was too late in the season to use the eggs for food, they opted to incubate them in their oven, an approach not advised by conservation experts. Rasmussen is now a surrogate mother to Squeaky, who has developed a close attachment to her, more so than to other farm animals.
Rasmussen hopes that Squeaky will eventually find a mate in spring. While she acknowledges the enjoyment of raising Squeaky, she warns others against attempting similar practices, urging respect for wildlife. Researcher Arne Follestad notes that such a hatching method is unusual and could impact Squeaky’s ability to connect with his own species in the future.