Teenager accused of racially motivated stabbing in Oulu shopping centre to undergo mental health examination
A 15-year-old accused of a stabbing incident in Oulu is being requested to undergo a mental health examination. The defence is calling for the examination following two stabbing incidents that occurred within a week in June at Oulu’s Valkea shopping centre. The teenager unexpectedly stabbed a 26-year-old Asian restaurant worker several times at the end of June. The victim was on his way home from work when the incident occurred, as previously reported.
The stabbing was the second to occur in Oulu within that week. The Oulu District Court imprisoned the 15-year-old boy on suspicion of attempted manslaughter on June 22, due to the stabbing at the Valkea shopping centre. The boy himself told police in interrogations that his motive was racist. The police suspect that the alleged copied the act from an extreme right-wing activist, Sebastian Lämsä, who had previously stabbed a 12-year-old child and chased another slightly older youth with a knife in the same Oulu shopping centre. Lämsä has also been sent for a mental health examination.