Almost every woman in the Faroe Islands earns maximum parental benefits, claims Kristina Háberg
Almost every woman between the ages of 20 and 40 in the Faroe Islands earns more than 30,000 kroner per month, the maximum for parental benefits. One of these women is Kristina Háberg, who has shared her thoughts on this issue.
“In the last four years, I have taken parental leave twice. With all the joy that comes with having children, there is also a financial strain. During part of my time at home with my newborns, I received a salary from my employer. However, over the past few years, I’ve received around 25,000 kroner from the parental benefit system for about 8-9 months in total, which is the maximum I could get under the old limits. Consequently, I’ve lost between 100,000 and 150,000 kroner in salary during these months, in addition to my pension.”
She emphasizes that this issue is not just about her personal finances. “It’s crucial to discuss financial matters related to parental leave more openly. This affects everyone—men and women—who experience a drop in income when they stay home to care for a newborn. I don’t think that’s right.”
Háberg, who has three children and has been in the parental leave system over a span of ten years, argues that the current benefit system is outdated. “Times have changed; people are having children later and women are better educated and earning more. Therefore, the parental benefit needs to be adjusted accordingly.”
She also points out the financial issues that arise in families, indicating a higher cap on benefits could encourage families to have more children, especially as birth rates decline. Háberg believes this topic requires more discussion, as the financial gap between men and women often starts during parental leave.
While she recognizes the recent increase in benefit limits, she asserts that more needs to be done to support families better. “Despite having more female politicians than ever, the focus should also be on the parental benefit system, as having children should not be a financial burden.”