Rise in ADHD diagnoses leads to increased self-awareness among adults in Denmark
Many individuals today are familiar with friends or family members diagnosed with ADHD, a condition that has seen a significant rise in diagnoses. In Denmark, over 107,000 people received ADHD medication last year, doubling the numbers from 2017.
Charlotte Lisbeth Andersen Roberg found clarity in her life when she received her ADHD diagnosis, revealing to her why she faced various challenges. Before this revelation, she believed her struggles were simply part of being human. With the diagnosis, she recognized that her difficulties were not insurmountable.
In the early 2000s, ADHD diagnoses primarily focused on children, particularly boys. However, recent trends show that three-quarters of those using ADHD medication are adults, and the gender disparity in diagnoses has narrowed significantly. Experts note that increased awareness and knowledge in psychiatry contribute to this growth. Many once believed ADHD was outgrown, but it often persists into adulthood.
ADHD is hereditary, meaning that when a child is diagnosed, parents may realize they share similar challenges. As a result, both parents and children may undergo assessments for the condition.
Roberg has navigated various jobs throughout her career, initially trained as a mechanical engineer, before exploring roles as a receptionist and a retail worker. Job changes energized her temporarily, but ultimately led to burnout and withdrawal from social interactions when her energy waned.
After reaching a breaking point, a friend suggested she seek evaluation, leading to her dual diagnosis of autism and ADHD, which she describes as a significant relief. For many adults with ADHD, understanding their condition can lead to better self-awareness and improved quality of life.
Today, Roberg manages her life by developing strategies to sustain her energy levels, particularly through activities like playing golf, which she has maintained for four years. Though she now receives disability assistance, she feels a mix of sorrow and relief, recognizing the importance of adjusting her lifestyle to foster better energy management.