Garden expert Vikram Singh shares important tips to avoid common plant care mistakes
Vikram Singh, owner of Planteland Nursery and Garden Center in Lier, has been running garden centers for the past 20 years. With over 900 different plants at his center, Singh has gained insight into the common challenges people face when caring for plants. One of the most common mistakes, he says, is overwatering.
Singh explains that people often believe that plants need to be swimming in water before they leave for a holiday, which is not the case. It’s better to place a dish of water under the plants so they can absorb water from the roots. It is important to check the soil regularly and ensure that it is moist, but not wet.
Some tips for keeping plants alive include moving them away from window sills to protect them from direct sunlight, which can harm them. If your plants are outdoors, move them to the shade to protect them from direct sunlight that can dry them out. If you’re going away, ask a neighbor if they can water your plants. Use larger pots or containers, as plants will thrive better in slightly larger pots, which retain moisture longer and give plants more soil to grow in.
Alf Erik Finsrud, a teacher with over 30 years of experience with plants, believes that many people treat all their plants the same, which is often why they die. He emphasizes that it is important to follow the instructions for each plant to ensure the correct amount of light and water. Different plants have different needs. Some require more water and sunlight than others. Finsrud also highlights that dry air and heat from wood-burning can affect plant well-being.
When you go away, this can be solved with a self-watering pot. Another simple solution is to fill empty plastic bottles with water and turn them upside down in the soil. This can provide plants with water for three to four days. Singh adds that there are now drip irrigation systems on the market that can automate watering.