Safety concerns rise at battery factory following unexplained employee deaths
There are rising concerns regarding safety at the Northvolt battery factory, following several unexplained deaths of employees. Experts and relatives of the deceased believe that the factory should be closed until the cause of deaths is clarified.
Six months ago, Ybrah Ruusom received news about the death of his childhood friend who worked at the factory. However, the reason behind the death remains unknown.
“You lose a friend you’ve grown up with all your life, it doesn’t go away. I think about it all the time,” says Ruusom.
The CEO of the company asserts that there is no connection between the deaths and the working environment at the factory. “I feel that the safety is very good,” says Peter Carlsson.
An investigation into the deaths among the employees at Northvolt is ongoing but no connection to the workplace has been established thus far. A common factor for the three deceased is that no cause of death could be determined at an initial autopsy. In a video, childhood friend Ybrah Ruusom talks about the time after receiving the death news.
The investigation into the deaths at Northvolt will not be completed until after the summer. The CEO guarantees, “No connection to the workplace has been found.”