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Northern lights expected to illuminate skies across Finland this weekend

Saturday 5th 2024 on 14:34 in  

The Finnish Meteorological Institute announced on Friday that northern lights are expected to be visible across the country this weekend. However, recent forecasts indicate that cloud cover may hinder the view of the auroras. According to the Institute, cloudiness is expected to increase on Saturday evening and overnight. Clear skies are essential for viewing the northern lights, though there is still hope for spectators.

“It might be possible to catch a glimpse before the cloudiness increases. The eastern and northern regions may have the best chances to see the auroras,” said meteorologist Helena Laakso in an interview.

The optimal time for viewing the northern lights is around midnight, but stargazers are encouraged to look up as soon as darkness falls.

Last night, Yle invited readers to share their photos of the northern lights. A collection of images taken from various locations in Finland during the night between Friday and Saturday can be viewed below:

1. Rovaniemi, Koskenkylä, 00:30. Photo by Riitta Kankaanpää. ![Image](https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/ar_0.563,c_fill,g_faces,h_1362,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/39-13590776701045b8464f)

2. Sulkava, 03:37. A bright and flickering shooting star to the right of the constellation Ursa Major was also captured. Photo by Asko Vartiainen. ![Image](https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/ar_1.7777777777777777,c_fill,g_faces,h_431,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/39-13590766701037e4bad1)

3. Tyrnävän Haurukylä, 00:05. Photo by Anssi Huhtala. ![Image](https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/ar_1.2919532324621734,c_fill,g_faces,h_593,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/39-1359075670102731afd4)

(via yle.fi)